New Feature Release: Utilize Gesture Control to Switch Flight Modes for HOVERAir X1
Tempo di lettura 1 min
Tempo di lettura 1 min
HOVERAir X1's newest feature, Smart Control allows users to utilize gesture control to change flight modes. This feature allows you to record and continuous video in Follow mode or Dolly Track, while triggering various other flight modes with gestures. Gestures for landing, Zoom Out, Orbit, and Bird's Eye are available now.
Gesture for Landing
Execute this gesture and Hover will conclude the current flight mode.
If the device successfully recognizes the landing gesture, the LED light on the device will change from red to green.
Gesture for Zoom out
Execute this gesture and Hover will gradually retreat from the current position.
If the drone successfully recognizes the gesture, the LED light on the drone will change from red to white.
Gesture for Orbit
Make this gesture with your left/right hand, and Hover will orbit you to the left/right.
If the drone successfully recognizes the gesture, the LED light on the drone will change from red to white.
Gesture for Birds' Eye
Execute this gesture and Hover will initiate an overhead shot from directly above you.
If the drone successfully recognizes the gesture, the LED light on the drone will change from red to white. Then Click "Go", and you can try the gestures to control your HOVERAir X1 now.